411 Railway

411 Railway

411 Railway Street is a six-storey mixed-use building in the historic neighborhood of Railtown in Vancouver, BC. The project is one of the first buildings to adopt the recently created I-4 (Historic Industrial) Zoning District Schedule, which saw the introduction of a new use labeled “Creative Products Manufacturing.” The project seeks to provide an innovative and flexible design that anticipates the changing nature of the neighborhood.



Danet Interiors Ltd


411 Railway Street, Vancouver, BC


Office of McFarlane Biggar Architects + Designers Inc


  • Certified Professional
  • Building Code (Part 3)
  • Alternative Solutions
  • CFD Modelling (Fire Engineering)
  • Reliability Analysis
411 Railway
411 Railway
411 Railway
411 Railway
411 Railway
411 Railway
411 Railway
411 Railway

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